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ADVISORY/ VaST Systems CEO, CTO Speak on Impact of Virtual Systems Prototyping Technologies at DATE

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MUNICH, Germany, February 27, 2006 -- VaST Systems Technology Corporation-powering embedded design innovation-today announced that members of the executive team will be speaking at DATE on the impact that virtual system prototyping (VSP) technologies are having on embedded systems design.

VaST Systems' president and CEO, Alain Labat, is on the DATE speaker roster and will participate in the DATE Executive Track on Tuesday, 7 March, speaking on "Embedded Systems Will Drive ESL Adoption - Aligning Design Methodology to Budget and Time Constraints" during the session at 2:30pm.

The company's chief of technology & strategy, Graham Hellestrand, will contribute to a workshop during the event, focusing on the inter-processor communications challenges associated with multi-processor systems. The workshop takes place on Friday, March 10, 2006 from 8:30am to 4:00pm in Room 11a and is entitled "W2 Future Interconnects and Networks on Chip." From 11:00am to 12:00pm, Graham is speaking about the work of the Communication and Infrastructure Fabrics (CIF) Group in a session dedicated to Introducing Network on Chip Research Groups and will give a presentation on "Empirical Optimization of Multiprocessor Systems and their Heterogeneous Communication Fabrics."

About VaST
VaST Systems Technology Corporation tools and models enable the creation of a virtual system prototype-a cycle-accurate software model of a system that operates at near real-time speeds under actual software loads. Solutions from VaST are used for architecture analysis and optimization and for the concurrent development of hardware and software. VaST virtual system prototypes dramatically improve time to market and quality while reducing development costs and risk.

Current customers include worldwide leaders in semiconductors, automotive electronics, wireless devices, and consumer electronics. VaST is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California with sales and support offices worldwide. For more information, visit

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Media Contacts:
VaST in the USA:
Linda Marchant
Cayenne Communication
phone: 919-451-0776
e-mail: Email Contact

VaST in Europe:
Peter van der Sluijs
Neesham Public Relations
phone: +44 (0) 1296 628180
e-mail: Email Contact

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